Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why Is Sailor Moon so big?

I have always asked myself this questions about my obsessions. "Why does this subject so big?" In this case, it is Sailor Moon. I mean, ever since I was what, five years old, Sailor Moon has been a big thing. And when I say things about Sailor Moon to one of my best friends right now - all she can is that "Oh yeah! I had a Sailor Moon t-shirt." But, somehow I beat her by saying I had a "Sailor Moon bathing suit". It was so cute ^^ Sailor Moon is a topic that remains large in our hearts even today, even though we watched it ten years ago.

Even though I realize that people will think I am such a little girl for still being obsessed with Sailor Moon, I don't care. There are other people like me out there. And I know that for a fact.

There are many forums, fansites dedicated to Sailor Moon.

Many people make AMVs in devotion of Sailor Moon as well as fanfiction.

There are dolls, video games, fan art and posters made for Sailor Moon. And many fans have many of these things. Why do so many fans have these things and why does it make Sailor Moon bigger than it already is?

Because Sailor Moon is awesome, helping us to relate to the series to our own lives. Helping us to do the right things in life. Helping us to become better people.

And guess what? We learn all this from a simple anime/cartoon! Isn't that awesome?
I want people to continue loving this series full of romance, action, suspense and wonderful characters.

This series needs to remain big as it was ten years ago and as big as it is right now. I have faith it will remain big.

I mean, why not? Who will not love Usagi/Serena?

Sailor Moon is a wonderful series that really encaptures friendship, loves and enmities formed with the bad guys. It is not only an anime - it is a perfect association and reflection of the world today - minus the superpowers and Sailor Scouts. The problems are very real and can be reflected on by anyone.

Just believe in yourself, and believe in the phenomenon known as Sailor Moon.

It will remain as big as it always will be.


Sailor Moon Dress Up

I was browsing through WidgetBox and guess what I found?

Isn't it awesome? I didn't make it, but I still wanted you guys to try it. It's so cute! Not only is there a Serena dress up, but there is a Hotaru dress up.

I think they both are fun to do because you can make them wear what you want to.

They both are cut off for some reason but you can still drag the clothing from the right side on the Hotaru one and still use them. You just need to drag them to a place where you can see.

Have fun!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Widget for the Blog!

Hey, for those who want to spread the word about this blog or just want to see something cool... here is the widget for this blog!!

Isn't it cool?

So anyways, I have a new link for all of you to check out!

It is another blog by me for Sailor Moon fanfiction recommendations. It is pretty awesome, I think, because it allows people to read and find out about stories that need the attention. So many authors work hard on their stories and they don't get the right amount of attention for their hard work. SO yeah...feel free to comment in the comment sections on what your favourite fanfictions are!!

Click here to go to the fanfiction recommendation blog.

So anyways...I'm coming with another post like soon, like tomorrow soon!
