Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sailor Moon Will NEVER Fade

Sailor Moon, I think, has always been present in a girl's life at one point or another. I have always loved Sailor Moon, but lost interest as I went into junior high. After my sister showed me that I could watch the episodes on youtube, I rekindled my interest.

I don't know what I exactly like about Sailor Moon. Maybe it's just that she's the most perfect girl ever - well, almost perfect. She strives hard to protect the ones she loves and for the world she lives in. It's a classic story.

Sailor Moon, I know, still hasn't gone even after 10 years. I remember ten years ago I would always cry to have Sailor Moon trading cards from the local mall. When I mention Sailor Moon to my mom, that's all she can remember: me pulling off a Serena just to get the cards.

Serena has always stuck me fascinating as she is a character who is ultimately annoying, but there is something about her that is "full of life and dreams" as quoted by Darien in Episode 148 "A True Reflection".

I have always loved Sailor Moon, and I hope with all my heart, that her legacy will never fade away.

Maybe she can come back with more episodes? *finger crossed* I still hope she can live for at least a few decades, because she's just that awesome.

In this blog I will be talking about my favourite characters, favourite episodes, show fanart, fanvids and maybe even fanfiction.

Hope you will help me to keep Sailor Moon alive,

MoonlightNeverFades (aka RedRose15)

1 comment:

  1. I really have enjoyed your first couple of entries! Can't wait for the next entery, whenever that may be.

    ~Kamiko-chan ♥
